Polymer Siding for Lincoln, NE, Homeowners Who Value Long-Term Protection

Suburban home with polymer sidingAs a trusted siding manufacturer serving homeowners in the Midwest, Continental Manufacturing proudly offers polymer insulated siding. It’s the kind of siding we would want on our own homes. Simply put, it’s an all-around performer, providing reliable home protection for the long term while dramatically enhancing curb appeal. Engineered to stringent quality standards, our siding represents the kind of investment that any value-conscious Lincoln, Nebraska, homeowner can appreciate.

Why Contactors Prefer Our Polymer Siding

Our polymer siding is part of the renowned Continental Polymer Wall System™ and features form-fitting insulation that can boost your home’s energy efficiency. To ensure  that our siding holds up to the elements, it’s installed using our patented attaching systems. Our Shure-Strate® attaching system is perfect for affixing siding to even walls, while our Perma-Strate® system is a better option for uneven walls. A local Certified Installation Professional will be able to tell you which of these systems is more appropriate for your needs. Additionally, Continental polymer siding is three times more impact resistant than vinyl siding. When you consider that it can also be customized in your preferred color and thickness, and accessorized with H-hold trim, corner pieces, and more, you can understand why it’s a popular choice among homeowners who prioritize long-lasting beauty.

Connect With a Certified Installation Professional Near You

If you’d like to know about our polymer siding and everything that’s included with the Continental Polymer Wall System, contact Continental Manufacturing today. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and refer you to a Certified Installation Professional serving your area of Lincoln, NE.

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